Three tenets of effective storytelling

As human beings, stories engage us. That is why storytelling is an essential tool to build your business. In business, we have an ulterior motive for our storytelling. We want our customers to think of us when they are making the purchase. Even then, the tenets of compelling storytelling do not change. Firstly, a weak story will never […]


Startup Marketing and Covid-19

In this world overwhelmed with uncertainty, if you are reassessing your marketing priorities, you aren’t alone. According to a CMO Survey, “Many companies observe lower likelihood to buy (67.2%) and [an] unwillingness [on customer’s behalf] to pay full price (43.3%).” Should you pay for that expensive LinkedIn campaign when customers are skeptical of spending money? […]


Customer Service Woes

Customer service is one of the biggest paradox of our times. The more we move towards self-service, chatbots, the more we have to interact with humans. The more we interact with humans, the more it feels we are talking to machines. It is a vicious circle all of us want to avoid. Lately, I have […]
